Friday 6 January 2017

Pin Worm Causing Acute Appendicitis

The vermiform appendix is a tubular structure found just below the ileoceacal junction on the ceacum. It has got an immune function and is no longer a vestigial organ. Most important implication of the appendix is acute appendicitis which is the most common surgical emergency worldwide.

Acute Appendicitis
The inflammation of appendix is generally secondary to obstruction of the lumen of the appendix. Most commonly it is caused by lymphoid hyperplasia, Fecoliths, foreign bodies, tumors or parasites. Among the parasites most common is Enterobius vermicularis.

Mostly it is seen in children however no age is immune to this infection. Enterobius vermicularis can lead to acute appendicitis rarely but it is mostly diagnosed after surgery. Whether Enterobius vermicularis is responsible for acute appendicitis is not definitely clear but Enterobius vermicularis infestation can mimic the features of acute appendicitis. A course of antihelminthic treatment is required to get rid of the parasite from the alimentary tract after appendicectomy

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